The official photos of the Fête des Vignerons 2019 TO THE OFFICIAL WEBSITE OF THE WINEGROWERS FESTIVAL

The Abbots and the Council

«La liste de ses révérends et seigneurs Abbés est comme le livre d’or de la bourgeoisie veveysanne» G. Renaud, La Fête des Vignerons de Vevey, Vevey, 1905

The Brotherhood of Winegrowers is an off-shoot of the Vevey bourgeoisie, or citizenry. The Abbot-Presidents (presidents of the Brotherhood Council) were usually, and still are, members of the town council, lawyers, notaries or judges.

In 1797, in the early days of the Vaudois Revolution, for the first time a doctor, Louis Levade, held the highest function within the Association of Agriculture. This was an exception.

The Abbots of the Vevey Brotherhood of Winegrowers

Beginning XVIIe Barbier F.  
1647 Virtuous and prudent Montet Chrétien
1661 Virtuous and prudent Dufour François
1683 Virtuous and prudent Falconnet André
1689 Virtuous and prudent Chastelain Adam
1724 Mr. Pilisser François-Louis
1725 Mr. Pasteur Jean-Marc
1735 Mr. Ronjat Etienne
1737 Mr. Granier François
1753 Mr. Marindin Pierre
1754 Mr. Graz Jean-Pierre
1771 Mr. Nicod Pierre-François
1783 Mr. Delom Jean-François
1797 Mr. Levade Louis
1821 Mr. Grenier Louis
1833 Mr. Doret Vincent
1835 Mr. Dupont Louis
1845 Mr. Déjoux François
1857 Mr. Cuénod Jules
1863 Mr. Collomb Edouard
1864 Mr. Bonjour Louis
1866 Mr. Loude Alfred
1880 Mr. Baron Louis
1887 Mr. Cérésole Paul
1899 Mr. Gaudard Emile
1941 Mr. Gétaz Emile
1952 Mr. Dénéréaz David
1971 Mr. Loude Alfred
1976 Mr. Dénéréaz Philippe
1993 Mr. Chaudet Marc-Henri
2005 Mr. Châtelain André
2012 Mr. Margot François

Paul Cérésole (1832-1905), former Federal Councillor and Abbot of the Brotherhood at the 1889 Winegrowers Festival.



The Abbot and his Councillors, 1791 Parade